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Command Description
mongo start the MongoDB shell
mongod start the MongoDB server
mongos start the MongoDB sharded cluster router

Database Operations

Operation Description
use <database> switch to a database
show dbs show a list of databases
db.<collection>.insert() insert a document into a collection
db.<collection>.find() find documents in a collection
db.<collection>.update() update documents in a collection
db.<collection>.remove() remove documents from a collection
db.<collection>.aggregate() perform aggregation operations on a collection

Query Operators

Operator Description
$eq matches values that are equal to a specified value
$ne matches values that are not equal to a specified value
$gt matches values that are greater than a specified value
$lt matches values that are less than a specified value
$gte matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value
$lte matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value
$in matches any of the values specified in an array
$nin matches none of the values specified in an array
$and joins query clauses with a logical AND
$or joins query clauses with a logical OR
$not inverts the effect of a query expression
$exists matches documents that have a specified field

Aggregation Pipeline Stages

Command Description
$match filters documents based on specified criteria
$group groups documents by a specified field
$sort sorts documents by a specified field
$skip skips a specified number of documents in a collection
$limit limits the number of documents returned from a collection
$project specifies the fields to include or exclude from a document
$unwind deconstructs an array field into individual documents
$lookup performs a left outer join with another collection
$out writes the results of an aggregation pipeline to a collection


Creating a database

use mydb;

Creating a collection


Inserting documents into a collection

db.students.insertOne({name: 'John Doe', age: 21, gender: 'M'});
  {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 19, gender: 'F'},
  {name: 'Bob Smith', age: 22, gender: 'M'}

Updating documents in a collection

db.students.updateOne({name: 'John Doe'}, {$set: {age: 23}});
db.students.updateMany({gender: 'M'}, {$inc: {age: 1}});

Deleting documents from a collection

db.students.deleteOne({name: 'Bob Smith'});
db.students.deleteMany({gender: 'F'});

Finding documents in a collection

db.students.find({gender: 'M'});
db.students.findOne({name: 'John Doe'});

Querying with operators

db.students.find({age: {$gt: 20}});
db.students.find({name: {$regex: /Doe/i}});

Sorting results

db.students.find().sort({age: -1});

Limiting results


Aggregating data

  {$group: {_id: '$gender', avg_age: {$avg: '$age'}}}

Indexing collections for faster queries

db.students.createIndex({name: 1});

Joining collections with $lookup

    $lookup: {
      from: 'grades',
      localField: '_id',
      foreignField: 'student_id',
      as: 'grades'