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Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language.

It involves the development of algorithms and models that can understand, generate, and manipulate human language. NLP has been the subject of intense research for several decades and has a wide range of applications, from chatbots and machine translation to sentiment analysis and question answering.

In addition, it plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between human and machine communication, allowing for the development of advanced AI systems that can interact with humans in a more natural and intuitive manner.

Early Years

NLP has been around for a long time. Alan Turing began experimenting with the idea of computers comprehending and generating genuine language as early as the 1950s (Turing, 1950). There have been various periods in the history of NLP, each of which was marked by a distinct set of assumptions about how NLP systems should function optimally.

In rule-based natural language processing, developers manually create rules and algorithms that process natural language in text form. This method is highly effective for specific NLP tasks, but it has significant downsides as well. In the case of NLP rules, for example, manually writing them is highly complex, time-intensive, and error-prone for humans.

The shortcomings of the rule-based approach, together with continuous advancements in machine learning, gave rise to the statistical natural language processing approach. Statistical methodology formulates natural language processing tasks as supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised machine learning problems, which are then solved using standard machine learning methods. These methods necessitate the use of meaningful features, which must be constructed manually by programmers from language data.

The use of artificial neural networks greatly reduces the need for human feature development (i.e., feature engineering) in natural language processing. Recently, this strategy has proven to be the most successful in a variety of NLP applications, including language recognition and translation, as well as natural language generation and synthesis.

NLP is a multidisciplinary field that draws insights and techniques from various other domains. Understanding some of these foundational topics from outside the NLP field can provide a broader perspective on NLP's applications and challenges. Here are some basic topics related to NLP from outside the NLP field:


Linguistics is the scientific study of language, encompassing topics such as syntax (sentence structure), semantics (meaning), phonetics (sounds), and morphology (word structure). Understanding linguistic principles is crucial for NLP, as NLP systems need to analyze and generate human language.

Syntax and Semantics

Syntax is the study of the structure of language and the rules that govern how words, phrases, and sentences are combined. In natural language processing, syntax is used to analyze the structure of a sentence and identify the various components, such as the subject, verb, and object, as well as the relationships between them.

Semantics is the study of meaning in language. In natural language processing, semantics is used to determine the meaning of words and phrases, and to identify the relationships between them. This is important for tasks such as automatic summarization, question answering, and text classification, where understanding the meaning of a sentence or phrase is essential.

In natural language processing, syntax and semantics are closely related. Syntax provides the structure of a sentence or phrase, while semantics provides the meaning. Together, they provide a complete understanding of the language, allowing for more accurate and complex natural language processing tasks.


Phonetics is a foundational field that explores the sounds of human speech. It delves into the physical properties of speech sounds, their articulation in the vocal tract, and their acoustic characteristics when captured as waves or spectrograms. Understanding phonetics is crucial in linguistics as it offers insights into the mechanics of language production and perception, and it is equally vital in NLP for tasks like speech recognition, synthesis, and language understanding.

In the realm of NLP, phonetics plays a pivotal role in speech recognition systems that convert spoken language into text, as well as in speech synthesis systems that generate human-like speech from text. Additionally, phonetic knowledge contributes to improving voice assistants, transcription services, and applications requiring speech-based interactions.

Phonetics bridges the gap between the physical aspects of speech and the linguistic representations of language, making it an essential discipline for both linguists and NLP practitioners in their pursuit of unraveling the complexities of human communication.


Morphology is a crucial field concerned with the structure of words and how they are formed in language. It examines the smallest meaningful units within words, known as morphemes, and the rules governing their combination. Understanding morphology is essential for linguists seeking to decipher the inner workings of languages and for NLP practitioners aiming to process, generate, and analyze text in automated systems.

In NLP, morphology plays a pivotal role in tasks such as stemming (reducing words to their root form) and lemmatization (reducing words to their dictionary form) to facilitate text processing and analysis. Morphological analysis is also vital in machine translation, information retrieval, and sentiment analysis, as it helps systems grasp the subtleties of word variations and their impact on meaning.

Morphology serves as a bridge between linguistic theory and practical language processing, offering invaluable insights into how words are constructed and manipulated in human languages, and enabling sophisticated language understanding and generation in NLP applications.

Data Mining

Data mining techniques are employed for discovering patterns and insights in text data. Text mining, a subfield of data mining, is closely related to NLP and focuses on extracting valuable information from unstructured text.

Data mining techniques, integral to both the field of data science and NLP, offer a means to uncover hidden patterns and insights within vast and unstructured text data. This practice, often referred to as text mining, synergizes with NLP and extends its capabilities by emphasizing the extraction of valuable information from text corpora.

The synergy between text mining and NLP amplifies the ability to make sense of the ever-expanding volume of unstructured text data. This convergence aids in automating tasks that involve text understanding, knowledge discovery, and information retrieval, contributing to more informed decision-making across diverse domains, from healthcare and finance to social media and content recommendation systems.


Psycholinguistics explores how humans process language. Understanding human language comprehension and production can inform the design of more effective NLP algorithms and interfaces.

The field of psycholinguistics, which delves into the intricate processes governing how humans comprehend and produce language, holds significant implications for the advancement of natural language processing (NLP). By investigating the cognitive mechanisms underlying language, psycholinguistics offers valuable insights that can be harnessed to design more effective NLP algorithms and interfaces.

Cognitive Science

Cognitive science investigates how the human mind works, including processes related to language, memory, and perception. Insights from cognitive science can influence NLP research on human-like language understanding.

Cognitive science, an interdisciplinary field dedicated to unraveling the inner workings of the human mind, extends its influence into the realm of NLP. By delving into processes related to language, memory, and perception, cognitive science offers a treasure trove of insights that hold the potential to profoundly impact NLP research. Particularly, these insights contribute to the pursuit of human-like language understanding within the domain of NLP.

Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is a field that aims to make web content more understandable by computers. Concepts like RDF (Resource Description Framework) and ontologies can enhance NLP tasks like information extraction and knowledge graph construction.

Ethics and Bias

Understanding ethical considerations and bias in data is critical in NLP. This involves knowledge of ethics, fairness, and responsible AI to ensure NLP systems do not perpetuate harmful biases.

Domain Knowledge

Depending on the application, domain-specific knowledge is often required. For instance, healthcare NLP may require knowledge of medical terminology, while financial NLP may necessitate understanding financial markets.