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  • CSS consists of selectors and declarations
  • A selector selects an HTML element, while a declaration sets the style for the element
selector {
  property: value;


Selectors Description
element selects an HTML element
#id selects an element with a specific ID
.class selects an element with a specific class
* selects all elements
selector1, selector2 selects multiple elements


Combinators Description
selector1 selector2 selects an element inside another element
selector1 > selector2 selects direct children of an element
selector1 + selector2 selects the next sibling of an element
selector1 ~ selector2 selects all siblings of an element


Pseudo-classes Description
:hover selects an element when the mouse hovers over it
:active selects an element when it is being clicked
:visited selects a link that has been visited
:focus selects an element when it has focus
:first-child selects the first child element of its parent
:last-child selects the last child element of its parent
:nth-child(n) selects the nth child element of its parent
:not(selector) selects all elements that do not match the selector


property: value; | sets the style for an element


Text Description
color sets the text color
font-size sets the font size
font-family sets the font family
font-weight sets the font weight
text-align sets the text alignment
text-decoration sets the text decoration
text-transform sets the text case

Box Model

Box Model Description
width sets the width of an element
height sets the height of an element
margin sets the margin around an element
padding sets the padding inside an element
border sets the border around an element


Display Description
display sets the display style of an element
visibility sets the visibility of an element
float sets the float of an element
clear clears the float of an element


Positioning Description
position sets the positioning type of an element
top sets the top position of an element
bottom sets the bottom position of an element
left sets the left position of an element
right sets the right position of an element
z-index sets the stacking order of an element


Background Description
background-color sets the background color of an element
background-image sets the background image of an element
background-position sets the background position of an element
background-repeat sets the background repeat of an element

For more information, check out the Mozilla Developer Network's CSS documentation.