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Basic Concepts

  • Metric: A time series data point.
  • Labels: Key-value pairs associated with metrics.
  • Selectors: Expressions to filter time series based on labels.

Data Types

  • Instant Vector: Set of time series containing a single sample per time series, all sharing the same timestamp.
  • Range Vector: Set of time series containing a range of data points over time.
  • Scalar: A single numerical value.
  • String: A single string value.


  • Instant Vector Selector: metric_name{label_name="label_value"}


  • Arithmetic Operators: +, -, *, /, %, ^
  • Comparison Operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
  • Logical/Set Operators: and, or, unless


Aggregation Functions

  • sum(): Sum of values.
  • avg(): Average of values.
  • max(): Maximum value.
  • min(): Minimum value.
  • count(): Count of values.
  • stddev(): Standard deviation of values.
  • stdvar(): Variance of values.
  • topk(k, metric): Top k elements by value.
  • bottomk(k, metric): Bottom k elements by value.
  • count_values(): Count of occurrences of each distinct value.

Special Functions

  • rate(): Per-second average rate of increase.
  • increase(): Increase in the value over a specified range.
  • delta(): Difference between the first and last value.
  • irate(): Instantaneous rate of increase.
  • idelta(): Instantaneous difference.
  • histogram_quantile(): Quantile of histogram data.

Time Functions

  • time(): Current time as a UNIX timestamp.
  • timestamp(): Return the UNIX timestamp of a given time series.


Basic Metric Selection

  • All metrics named http_requests_total:


  • All metrics named http_requests_total with label job="api":


Range Queries

  • Rate of increase per second for http_requests_total over the last 5 minutes:


  • Sum of rates of increase per second for http_requests_total over the last 5 minutes:



  • Average value of http_requests_total by job:

    avg(http_requests_total) by (job)

  • Sum of http_requests_total by instance:

    sum(http_requests_total) by (instance)

Mathematical Operations

  • Increase in http_requests_total over the last 5 minutes:


  • Requests per second:


Conditional Expressions

  • All http_requests_total metrics where instance is not "localhost:9090":


  • All http_requests_total metrics where instance label regex matches "app":


Time-based Queries

  • Current UNIX timestamp:


  • Timestamp of the up metric:



  • 90th percentile of http_request_duration_seconds histogram:
    histogram_quantile(0.90, sum(rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))

Combining Metrics

  • Divide metric_a by metric_b:

    metric_a / metric_b

  • Sum of metric_a and metric_b:

    metric_a + metric_b

Best Practices

  1. Use Aggregation for Large Data Sets: Aggregate data to avoid overwhelming the system with too many time series.
  2. Leverage Label Filters: Use labels to filter and refine queries for more precise results.
  3. Avoid Overuse of rate(): Use rate() judiciously, especially over short intervals, to avoid misleading spikes.

For more detailed use cases and advanced queries, refer to the Prometheus documentation.