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Basic Structure

Tag Description
<!DOCTYPE html> defines the document type
<html> defines the root element of an HTML page
<head> contains metadata and scripts
<title> specifies the title of the document
<body> contains the visible page content

Build Lifecycle Phases

Lifecycle Description
clean - Remove all files generated by the previous build.
compile - Compile the source code of the project.
test - Run tests using a suitable unit testing framework.
package - Package the compiled code into a distributable format.
install - Install the package into the local repository.
deploy - Copy the final package to the remote repository.

Maven Commands

Command Description
mvn clean - Clean the project.
mvn compile - Compile the source code.
mvn test - Run tests.
mvn package - Package the project.
mvn install - Install the project to the local repository.
mvn deploy - Deploy the project to a remote repository.
mvn clean install - Clean and install the project.
mvn clean test - Clean and run tests.
mvn clean package - Clean and package the project.

Project Configuration

Item Description
pom.xml - Project Object Model (POM) configuration file.
src/ - Directory containing source code.
target/ - Directory containing build output.
src/test/ - Directory containing test source code.
src/main/resources/ - Directory containing resources.
src/main/java/ - Directory containing main Java source code.

Dependency Management

Item Description
<dependencies> - Define project dependencies in the POM file.
<dependency> - Specify a single dependency.
<groupId> - Group or organization that the dependency belongs to.
<artifactId> - Unique identifier for the dependency.
<version> - Version number of the dependency.

Build Profiles:

Item Description
<profiles> - Define build profiles in the POM file.
<profile> - Specify a single build profile.
<id> - Unique identifier for the profile.
<activation> - Conditions for activating the profile.
<properties> - Define custom properties in the POM file.


Item Description
<plugins> - Define build plugins in the POM file.
<plugin> - Specify a single build plugin.
<groupId> - Group or organization that the plugin belongs to.
<artifactId> - Unique identifier for the plugin.
<version> - Version number of the plugin.
<executions> - Configure plugin executions.
<configuration> - Provide configuration options for the plugin.

Repository Configuration:

Item Description
<repositories> - Define project repositories in the POM file.
<repository> - Specify a single repository.
<id> - Unique identifier for the repository.
<url> - URL of the repository.

Additional Maven Commands:

Command Description
mvn clean compile - Clean and compile the source code.
mvn clean test - Clean and run tests.
mvn clean package - Clean and package the project.
mvn dependency:tree - Display the project's dependency tree.
mvn help:effective-pom - Display the effective POM after inheritance and active profiles.

Maven Profiles:

Item Description
mvn clean install -PprofileName - Activate a specific profile during the build.
mvn help:active-profiles - Display active profiles during the build.