Task Commands:
Task | Description |
gradle tasks |
Display the available tasks. |
gradle clean |
Clean the project. |
gradle build |
Build the project. |
gradle test |
Run tests. |
gradle run |
Run the application. |
gradle install |
Install the project to the local repository. |
gradle assemble |
Assemble the project. |
gradle deploy |
Deploy the project. |
gradle clean build |
Clean and build the project. |
gradle clean test |
Clean and run tests. |
gradle clean run |
Clean and run the application. |
Project Configuration:
Item | Description |
build.gradle |
Build script configuration file. |
src/ |
Directory containing source code. |
build/ |
Directory containing build output. |
src/test/ |
Directory containing test source code. |
src/main/resources/ |
Directory containing resources. |
src/main/java/ |
Directory containing main Java source code. |
dependencies { - Define project dependencies in the build script.
implementation 'group:artifact:version' - Add a dependency.
Task Definitions:
Task Dependencies:
Build Types:
buildTypes { - Define different build types (e.g., debug, release).
debug { - Define a specific build type.
// Configuration for the debug build type
release {
// Configuration for the release build type
Build Variants:
flavorDimensions 'dimensionName' - Define flavor dimensions.
productFlavors { - Define product flavors.
flavorName { - Define a specific product flavor.
// Configuration for the flavor
Repository Configuration:
repositories { - Define project repositories in the build script.
mavenCentral() - Add Maven Central repository.
jcenter() - Add JCenter repository.
maven { - Add a custom Maven repository.
url 'repository-url'
Gradle Wrapper:
Item | Description |
gradlew |
Gradle wrapper script (Unix-like). |
gradlew.bat |
Gradle wrapper script (Windows). |
gradle/wrapper/ |
Wrapper configuration file. |
gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar |
Wrapper JAR file. |
Additional Gradle Commands:
Item | Description |
gradle properties |
Display project properties and settings. |
gradle tasks --all |
Display all available tasks (including hidden tasks). |
gradle dependencies |
Display project dependencies. |
gradle help |
Display Gradle help. |
gradle build --dry-run |
Perform a dry run of the build without executing tasks. |
Gradle Daemon:
Item | Description |
gradle --daemon |
Start a Gradle daemon for faster builds. |
gradle --no-daemon |
Disable the Gradle daemon. |
Gradle Wrapper Commands:
Command | Description |
./gradlew tasks |
Execute Gradle tasks using the wrapper (Unix-like). |
gradlew tasks |
Execute Gradle tasks using the wrapper (Windows). |