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Command Description
az login log in to Azure
az logout log out of Azure
az account list list all subscriptions
az account set -s subscription_id set the default subscription

Virtual Machines

Command Description
az vm create create a new virtual machine
az vm start start a virtual machine
az vm stop stop a virtual machine
az vm deallocate deallocate a virtual machine
az vm show show details about a virtual machine
az vm list list all virtual machines

Storage Accounts

Command Description
az storage account create create a new storage account
az storage account show-connection-string show the connection string for a storage account
az storage blob upload upload a blob to a storage account
az storage blob download download a blob from a storage account
az storage blob list list all blobs in a container

App Services

Command Description
az appservice plan create create a new app service plan
az webapp create create a new web app
az webapp list list all web apps
az webapp config appsettings set set an app setting for a web app
az webapp log tail stream the logs for a web app


Command Description
az network vnet create create a new virtual network
az network vnet subnet create create a new subnet in a virtual network
az network public-ip create create a new public IP address
az network nsg create create a new network security group
az network nsg rule create create a new network security group rule

Key Vault

Command Description
az keyvault create create a new key vault
az keyvault secret set set a secret in a key vault
az keyvault secret show show the value of a secret in a key vault
az keyvault key create create a new key in a key vault
az keyvault key show show details about a key in a key vault


Command Description
az ad sp create-for-rbac create a new service principal for use with Azure Resource Manager
az group create create a new resource group
az deployment group create deploy a resource template to a resource group
az monitor metrics list list metrics for a resource
az network watcher show-topology show the network topology of a virtual network